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Cheap Flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock starting at S$ 327

Book one-way or return flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock from as little as S$ 327. Choose from the popular airlines below and book your flight today!

  • One way
  • Round-trip

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Searching for the best last minute flight from Singapore to Ayers Rock? Find one-way or return flights that are affordable and fit your itinerary.

Trip.com monitors the ticket fares of flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock. Stay updated on price trends and snag the best deals for your upcoming trip.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the lowest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.
Cheapest Airlines flying from Singapore to Ayers Rock

View airlines operating flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock. Compare prices, find the option that best suits your travel needs, and enjoy a comfortable journey with a trusted airline.

Jetstar Airways
From S$ 327
From S$ 349
From S$ 369
Philippine Airlines
From S$ 430
Turkish Airlines
From S$ 522
Indonesia Airasia
From S$ 595
British Airways
From S$ 598
Singapore Airlines
From S$ 608
Batik Air
From S$ 613
Vietnam Airlines
From S$ 640
ANA airlines

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Alternative Routes from Singapore to Ayers Rock

Discover different routes, airlines, and transfers and find the best alternative flights for your journey from Singapore to Ayers Rock.

  • Cheapest
    Jetstar Airways
    13h 5m
    1 transfer
    Singapore Changi Airport - Connellan Airport
    Mon, May 27Jetstar Airways
    S$ 327
  • Jetstar Airways
    13h 5m
    1 transfer
    Singapore Changi Airport - Connellan Airport
    Mon, May 27Jetstar Airways
    S$ 327
    Find More Flights

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When to buy flight tickets from Singapore (SIN) to Ayers Rock (AYQ) the cheapest?

    Airlines adjust prices for flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock based on the date and time of your booking. By analyzing data from all airlines, on Trip.com, you can find the cheapest flight prices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
  • How much is a flight from Singapore (SIN) to Ayers Rock (AYQ) cost?

    According to Trip.com's data, the lowest price is around S$ 1,528.
  • How many airports in Ayers Rock?

    There are 1 airports near Ayers Rock: Connellan Airport.

How to find a cheap flight from Singapore to Ayers Rock

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight from Singapore to Ayers Rock. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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Flight Information from Singapore to Ayers Rock

Cheapest direct flight price

S$ 326

Cheapest month


Peak season for travel


Flight distance


Popular airline

AirAsia Berhad

Flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock

1. Introduction to Ayers Rock

Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru, is a magnificent sandstone formation located in the Northern Territory of Australia. This iconic landmark holds cultural significance for the aboriginal people and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Standing at around 348 meters high and with a circumference of 9.4 kilometers, Ayers Rock is a sight to behold.

Here are some interesting and fun facts about Ayers Rock:

  • Ayers Rock is believed to be over 550 million years old.
  • It changes colors throughout the day, especially during sunrise and sunset.
  • Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, where Ayers Rock is located, offers visitors a chance to explore the unique flora and fauna of the region.
  • The rock is sacred to the Anangu people, who have inhabited the area for thousands of years.
  • Ayers Rock is not only a natural wonder but also a hub for cultural experiences and outdoor adventures.

2. Airports in Ayers Rock

Ayers Rock is served by Ayers Rock Airport (also known as Connellan Airport). This airport is located approximately 15 kilometers from Uluru and offers direct flights to and from major Australian cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Cairns. Despite being a smaller airport, Ayers Rock Airport provides essential facilities for travelers, such as rental car services, dining options, and souvenir shops.

3. Estimated Flight Time from Singapore to Ayers Rock

The flight duration from Singapore to Ayers Rock depends on various factors, including the airline and any potential layovers. On average, the direct flight from Singapore to Ayers Rock takes around 7 to 8 hours. However, please note that there are currently no direct flights available, and travelers will have to make a connecting flight in a major Australian city like Sydney or Melbourne. The total travel time, including layovers, can range from 10 to 15 hours.

4. Tips for Choosing Flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock

When selecting flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock, consider the following tips:

  • Compare prices and flight schedules offered by different airlines to find the most suitable option.
  • Check for any layovers and ensure you have enough time between flights.
  • Consider joining a frequent flyer program to earn rewards and benefits.
  • Book your flights in advance to secure the best deals and availability.
  • Read reviews or seek recommendations to ensure a comfortable and reliable flying experience.

5. Best Time (Non-Peak) to Fly from Singapore to Ayers Rock

The best time to fly from Singapore to Ayers Rock, avoiding peak tourist seasons, is during the shoulder months of April, May, September, and October. During these months, the weather in Ayers Rock is pleasant, and the number of tourists is relatively lower compared to peak periods like summer and school holidays. This allows for a more peaceful and enjoyable experience while exploring Ayers Rock and its surroundings.

6. Popular Airlines Flying from Singapore to Ayers Rock

Several airlines offer flights from Singapore to Ayers Rock via connecting flights in Australian cities. Some popular airlines include:

  • Qantas
  • Virgin Australia
  • Singapore Airlines
  • Jetstar

These airlines provide comfortable and reliable services, ensuring a pleasant journey from Singapore to Ayers Rock.

7. Tips about Traveling to Ayers Rock

Before traveling to Ayers Rock, it's essential to have the following information:

  • Airport Arrival: Ayers Rock Airport is the closest airport to Uluru. Upon arrival, you can find transportation options such as shuttle buses and car rentals to reach your accommodation.
  • Common Payment Mode: It is advisable to have Australian dollars (AUD) for local transactions. Credit cards are widely accepted, but it's always good to carry some cash for small purchases or in case of any payment issues.
  • Common Transport Options: In Ayers Rock, renting a car is a popular option for exploring the region. However, shuttle buses and guided tours are also available for convenient transportation to and from attractions.
  • General Visa Information: Visitors to Australia, including Ayers Rock, need a valid visa. It is recommended to check the visa requirements and apply in advance to avoid any complications during your trip.

8. Why Book Your Flight with Trip.com

When planning your journey from Singapore to Ayers Rock, consider booking your flights with Trip.com. Here are a few reasons to choose Trip.com:

  • Convenient Booking Process: Trip.com offers a user-friendly platform for easy flight bookings, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
  • Competitive Prices: With Trip.com, you can find competitive prices and exclusive deals, allowing you to save on your travel expenses.
  • Customer Support: Trip.com provides reliable customer support, assisting you with any queries or concerns throughout your booking process.
  • Trip Coins Loyalty Program: Take advantage of Trip.com's loyalty program, earning Trip Coins with every booking, which can be redeemed for further discounts on flights and hotel reservations.

Book your flight with Trip.com and embark on a memorable journey from Singapore to Ayers Rock!